This is an actual project page from last year and is a good example of the type data we provide on a weekly basis. We update the pages at least once per week and sometimes more often as significant events occur. You can always ask questions at any point by using the provided contact information.
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Order 20090320-1

3/23/09   Selected rabbits 12000, 11995, 11998.
3/24/09 Waiting for antigen.
3/30/09 Antigen received last week. Primary immunization later this week.
4/07/09 Animals OK.
4/13/09 Animals OK.
4/20/09 Boost this week.
4/27/09 Animals OK.
5/04/09 Animals OK.
5/11/09 Boost this week.
5/18/09 Production bleed this week.
5/26/09 Animals OK. Purification next week.
6/01/09 Purification this week.
6/08/09 Purification complete. Shipping Wednesday.

Lot #




Animal #




Immune Status                      




Volume of Serum

25 ml

25 ml

 25 ml

Volume Purified Product

50 ml

50 ml

 50 ml

Protein Concentration

2.6 mg/ml

2.9 mg/ml

 2.4 mg/ml

Total Protein

130 milligrams

145 milligrams

 120 milligrams




4 - 20% Gradient
10 µg/lane
Coomassie R250 Stain

 click gel to make it larger

6/10/09 Shipped today.

Have a question? Contact us here.